Homestead Adventures: Bread Making

Are you getting tired of buying the overly processed bread from the Supermarket? Do you want to try to make your own bread? Well, you’ve reached the right blog!

I’m going to show you how you can make your own artisan rustic bread loaf. It’s super easy and only four ingredients and a dutch oven. I will share the recipe I use, below.

2023 is definitely my year for trying new things. A year or two ago, I had been making sandwich bread. Though it was edible and amazing for grilled cheese sandwiches, I wanted the really good loaf of bread. The one you smear butter on and just inhale the entire loaf in one sitting (obviously not speaking from experience lol). It’s even more delicious with some blackberry jelly added on top!

The recipe I use calls for four ingredients: 3 cups of flour, 2 tsp of active yeast, 1 1/2 tsp of salt and 1 1/2 cups of warm water. Mix until combined and throw into a greased bowl. I cover mine with greased plastic wrap and cover with a towel and set it aside in my cabinet (away from the cats) and wait 12-18 hours before putting it into the oven to bake. You know your dough is ready when it has doubled in size.

How the dough should look after you’ve mixed it together
Your dough will look like this after 12-18 hours
Recipe from

There really is nothing better than pulling the dutch oven out and releasing the aroma of fresh baked bread into your house. It seriously is the best! Once you make one loaf, you’ll be hooked and making bread weekly. Trust me!

After the first 30 minutes of baking, you’ll remove the lid and continue baking it for 15 more minutes. Once the timer goes off, your bread should look like this. But remember, it’s not quite ready to eat. The bread is still actively baking even after being pulled out of the oven. Let it sit out for 30+ minutes before slicing into it.

There really is nothing better than pulling the dutch oven out and releasing the aroma of fresh baked bread into your house. It seriously is the best! Once you make one loaf, you’ll be hooked and making bread weekly. Trust me!

And just like that, you’ve made a rustic loaf of delicious homemade bread. The best part is that you know everything that went into making that loaf. Trust me, once you make a loaf, it’s really really hard to go back to the store bought bread.

Next on my list to try making:

  • Cinnamon rolls
  • Hamburger buns
  • Pretzels

If you decide to try the recipe, let me know how it turns out! Now, back to baking I go!
